Training courses near Bad Kleinkirchheim

Unfortunately we are not able to make a training coursse in Bad Kleinkirchheim, the area is closed due to windbreaks and lumberjack work


A maximum of 8 courses are planned for the EBHC 2024. Each course has at least 1 refreshment station and 1 water stations.

The BSC Bad Kleinkirchheim takes over the refreshment stations, this ensuring that there are  moderate prices at the refreshment stations.

The courses are located in varied terrain, offer all participants an extraordinary archery experience.

The practice range is located directly at the festival marquee.

There are training courses in the immediate vicinity:

*BSV Seeboden 20 min to drive

*BSC Mittelerde 15 min to drive

*SGS Spittal  30 min to drive

*BSC Velden 40 min to drive


  1. Harald Germ on 18. June 2024 at 17:56

    Is it possible to train on the practice field during the day (after 10:00 a.m.) on the day off (e.g. on Monday)?

    • Wolfgang Halvax on 19. June 2024 at 17:53

      the practice range is on shooting days open and allowed unguided training.
      Afte the event the practice range will dismounted.

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