What are your first steps on site

First step Main entrance

Check by 2 people whether all documents are present:
• Score card/Classification Card
• Starter card
• Bow equipment form
• If all the equipment has been brought along
• Whether something has changed in the bow class or age group

Second Step: Registration

What to do if no starter card or equipment form can be presented:
Athletes continue to the normal line
Normal Lane:
• Reclassifications
• printout of starter card
• printout of equipment form
• Set as present
When you  have everything: continue to registration – Fast Lane

Third step: Bow Check

We have 4 sections with 2 tables each, which are occupied by 8 people.
• LB and HB
• BH-R, BB-R and FS-R
• FU, FS-C, BB-C, BU, BL an BH-C

fourth step: drop off spare bow (if necessary)

Drop off spare bow, walk to the orange building on the left upper side behind practice range

fith step: cashless event

Pick up your personal chip at the info tent and charge your payment chip.
With this chip you can pay anywhere on the event site, marquee, merchandise and refreshment station on the range.

sixth step: enjoy the event


  1. Irmgard Zimmermann on 16. June 2024 at 20:50

    can accompanying persons get a payment chip also (for entertainment at the marquee site, merchandise and the like?

    With kind regards
    Irmgard Zimmermann
    (not registered as participant)

    • Wolfgang Halvax on 17. June 2024 at 16:09

      Dear Irmgard, of course, every guest can get a payment chip free of charge.

  2. pierre lavigne on 19. June 2024 at 11:14

    je ne comprend pas le terme carte de départ .

    • Wolfgang Halvax on 19. June 2024 at 17:51

      There is no therme “carte de depart”, if you write me the therm in englisch maybe i know what you mean.

  3. Daniel Bungeneers on 19. June 2024 at 12:20

    Hello, do you absolutely need the chip to pay for everything on the site? For exhibitors too?

    • Wolfgang Halvax on 19. June 2024 at 17:44

      Hello Daniel
      Yes you need the chip to pay. The chip is free of charge and you will get the full amount back.
      You can pay normally at the exhibitors

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