1. The following terms and conditions apply to contracts concluded via htttp://www.ebhc2024.com/shop. Unless otherwise agreed, any conditions used by you are hereby rejected.
  2. A consumer within the meaning of this provision is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for private purposes. § 2 Conclusion of Contract
  3. The subject matter of the contract is the sale of goods.
  4. By providing a product in our shop, we make a binding offer to our customers to conclude a purchase contract.
  5. All products intended for purchase are placed by the customer in the "shopping cart". After entering personal data and payment information, the customer has the opportunity to review all entered information. By submitting the order by clicking on the designated button, the customer legally accepts the offer. Thus, the purchase contract is concluded. In the case of payment via payment service providers such as Stripe, the customer is redirected from our online shop to the provider's website. After entering all required data, the customer is finally redirected back to our shop.
  6. The transmission of all information relating to the conclusion of the contract is automated by email. Therefore, the customer must ensure that the email address provided to us is reachable. § 3 Retention of Title and Right of Retention
  7. A right of retention can only be exercised by the customer if it is not based on claims from the same contractual relationship.
  8. The goods remain the property of the shop operator until the purchase price has been paid in full. § 4 Liability Provisions
  9. We are fully liable for damages to life or health, as well as in cases of intent and gross negligence, and also in cases of fraudulent concealment of defects and in all other legally regulated cases. Liability for defects within the scope of statutory warranty is subject to the corresponding regulation in our customer information.
  10. If essential contractual obligations are not fulfilled, the liability of the online shop in cases of slight negligence is limited to the foreseeable, contract-typical damage.
  11. Liability for slight negligence in the event of the breach of insignificant contractual obligations arising from the contract is excluded.
  12. There is no liability for the continuous availability of this website and the goods offered on it. § 5 Choice of Law
  13. Austrian law applies. The provisions of the UN Sales Convention do not apply. § 6 Dispute Resolution
  14. The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (ODR platform), which can be accessed at http://ec.europa.eu/odr. § 7 Language of the Contract, Storage of Contract Text
  15. The contract language is English.
  16. We do not save the complete text of the contract. Customers can electronically save it before sending the order using the print function of the browser. § 8 Prices and Payment Modalities Characteristics of the Goods
  17. The prices indicated as well as the shipping costs represent gross prices.
  18. Shipping costs are not included in the purchase price. They are explicitly indicated or separately shown during the ordering process and are to be borne additionally by the customer, unless free delivery is promised.
  19. The available payment methods are indicated on our website or in the respective article description, but at the latest in the final order process at the "checkout". Unless otherwise stated, payment claims from the contract are due for payment immediately.
  20. The essential characteristics of the goods and/or service can be found in the article description and the additional information on our website. § 9 Delivery Conditions
  21. Delivery conditions, delivery time, and any existing delivery restrictions can be found under the appropriately labeled link in our online shop or in the respective article description.
  22. For consumers, the risk of accidental loss or deterioration of the goods sold during shipment only passes to the customer upon handover of the goods. This regulation applies regardless of whether the shipment is insured or uninsured. § 10 Statutory Warranty Rights
  23. The statutory warranty rights apply.
  24. Consumers are requested to check the goods for completeness, obvious defects, and transport damage upon delivery and to inform the shop operator as soon as possible. Failure to do so by the customer has no effect on their statutory warranty claims.